Native Quai staking with up to 25% APY is coming soon with Liquid Mining Tokens. Stay tuned for more details.

Get a Quai Wallet

Choose from several wallet options to store and manage your Quai:

Pelagus WalletBrowser ExtensionOfficial Quai walletAvailable
Koala WalletBrowser ExtensionMulti-chain supportAvailable
Blip MobileMobile AppMobile-first experience, $QI supportBeta Access

Where to Get Quai

Stay tuned for official communication on centralized exchanges and DEX listings.

Mine Quai

Home Mining

Run a mining node from your personal computer or dedicated mining rig to earn Quai rewards while supporting network decentralization. Learn how to run a node.

Decentralized Compute Partners

Akash NetworkDecentralized cloud computing platform
IO.NetDecentralized cloud computing platform
CloreAIDecentralized cloud computing platform
FluxDecentralized cloud computing platform
VastAIDecentralized cloud computing platform

Bridge to Quai

Transfer your assets securely to and from Quai Network using our trusted bridge partners:

BridgeSupported NetworksStatus
EntangleETH, Base, SolanaLive
SymbiosisETH, Polygon, ArbitrumComing Soon
PortalToBitcoinBitcoinComing Soon


Decentralized Exchanges

QuaiSwapNative DEXLiquidity pools, farming
IceCreamSwapCross-chain DEXMulti-chain trading, bridging
LithiumDeFiLMT PlatformLiquid Mining Tokens, staking
$wQUAI via EntangleEthereumWrapped $QUAI

Launch a Token

poop.funToken creation & launching

Explore Ecosystem

NFT Marketplaces

QuaiMarkBuy, sell, and mint NFTs

Gaming & Social

Kaito RewardsInfoFiEarn rewards for interacting with Quai
QNSDNS NamingQuai Name Service
QFanTelegram GamingP2E, social features

For detailed guides and documentation on each partner, visit our Ecosystem Page.